Emotional Vibration: Enhancement of emotion using a Combination of Sound and Skin Sensation to the Pinna


Most people often experience music with accompanying emotion in every day of their lives, and the emotion sometimes become critical in determining the quality of the music experience. The goal of this paper is to enrich quality of the music experience with directly facilitating the emotion. To facilitate emotion in music, this paper presents a method that simultaneously presents sound and skin sensation to the pinna. The emotion enhancement effect of the method is evaluated in user studies, and the effect was compared between the other body parts (back, arms, fingers). The findings show that the method can enhance emotion that induces sympathetic nerve activity, and pinna is one of the most effective parts to enhance the sympathetic emotion.

論文 Transaction Paper

国際学会 International Conference with Peer Review
Kanako Aou, Asuka Ishii, Masahiro Furukawa, Shogo Fukushima, H.Kajimoto:The Enhancement of Hearing using a Combination of Sound and Skin Sensation to the Pinna,In ‘Proceedings of UIST ’10’,, pp.415-416, 2010/10/3-6. pdf

国内学会 Domestic Conference
福嶋政期,粟生加奈子,石井明日香:ウェアラブルオーディオデバイスにおける音響の触覚的な拡張,CEDEC2010, 2010/8/31-9/2.
粟生加奈子,石井明日香,福嶋政期,梶本裕之:耳介への触刺激による音響体験の増幅,エンタテインメントコンピューティング2011(2011年09月 日本科学未来館),2011.